
LKI Project Portfolio

Over the past four years, LKI Consulting has built a diverse project portfolio, delivering geochemical and hyperspectral expertise across multiple continents. From North and South America to Australia, our work spans a variety of geological settings and mineral systems.

To learn more about how we can support your exploration and mining projects, send us a message.

Color-coded world map with location markers.

What’s in a Name: L.K.I.

It was not easy choosing a name for a new company, but as geologists with roots in volcanology we chose to name this company after our three favorite volcanoes – Lengai (Tanzania), Krakatau (Indonesia) and Ijen (Indonesia).

Unique, resolute and proud.

A grassy area with grass and bushes in front of a mountain.
Lengai: Earth's only active carbonatite volcano! Also, contains rare earth elements!
A large mountain with smoke coming out of it.
Krakatau: #1883
A mountain with a cloud in the sky
Ijen: contains high sulfidation epithermal alteration AND MINERALIZATION!

Why we started a geochemistry and hyperspectral consultancy for the mining and mineral exploration industries

At LKI Consulting we believe that interpretation of geological material is paramount to a successful program, whether in exploration, production, geometallurgy, or remediation. Geochemistry and hyperspectral data are crucial elements to resolving geologic programs and deserve to be interpreted beyond their ore elements.

To create great interpretations, LKI Consulting offers expert technical advice on how to best integrate geochemistry and hyperspectral data into our client’s projects. With a clear purpose, we can make more meaningful interpretations.

Our goal is to help industry mine with intention and improve exploration for new deposits by utilizing the full suite of your geochemistry and/or hyperspectral mineralogy, often in combination with other datasets.

Promoting Ore Body Knowledge ...more than just a slogan

LKI Consulting’s mission is to promote ore body knowledge and expand the reach of geochemistry to all geoscientists. We put this belief into practice by sponsoring the GeocHemiSTea podcast.

We believe in GeocHemiSTea’s mission to give a leg up to those who either want to become a geochemist or want to improve their knowledge of geochemistry. We also support their vision to provide a platform for established geochemists to talk about some of the issues we face in an informal setting for the benefit of all geoscientists.

For more information about the podcast and its mission, you can visit its website at www.geochemistea.com.

Learn More

LKI Consulting specializes in the application of geochemistry and hyperspectral data in the mining and exploration industries.