Project Management

LKI Consulting can provide advice and project management for geochemical and hyperspectral survey planning and data interpretation, as well as how to take programs to the next level if you are looking for a data science/machine learning solution. 

We are committed to working with our clients to find not only the best solution but your fit-for-purpose solution. 

We’ll be your champion

What vendor to choose

Each program is specific and therefore, the vendor that you choose must suit that specific need. If you are working on a geochemistry or hyperspectral program, we can help with your vendor selection. 

Data QA/QC

Let’s make sure that you are getting the best possible data and the attention you deserve from your vendor. 


You have existing workflows. How does this new dataset fit in? How does it run smoothly from here on and out?


Data is so important in making the best decisions for your project. Let’s ensure that this data is not considered an expense but rather an asset, from junior geologists to corporate, and integrate the data into as many facets of your program as possible.


The knowledge of how to integrate and implement this data should sit in-house. Let’s get your company trained for the future.
